Top Tips for Adding Almonds to Your Diet

12 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


As a tasty food that features nutrients such as vitamin E and magnesium, Australian almonds make an excellent addition to any diet. They're also rich in certain fatty acids, which makes them excellent for cell regeneration. If you don't usually eat almonds, now's your chance to start. Here are some ways to incorporate them into your diet.

As a Simple Snack 

If you want to take an easy approach, try adding almonds to your diet as a simple snack. A handful a day is usually enough to reap their benefits. Although a handful of almonds is often seen as a high-calorie snack, they tend to leave you feeling fuller for longer. As such, if you're the type of person who wants to snack a lot, they're an excellent choice for keeping hunger at bay. Try packaging yours into small containers at the start of the week so you always have one ready to take to work with you.

Add to Your Cereal

If your usual cereal feels a little drab and leaves you feeling hungry within moments of eating it, almonds can act as the perfect boost. Australian almonds have an especially rich flavour that can transform even the dullest of cereals into a creamy delight. As they help you feel full, they're an easy solution for achieving a healthier breakfast. If you have a bit of a sweet tooth, you can amplify your breakfast experience further by adding honey to the mix.

Try Almond Butter 

If you own a blender and you love being creative, you may want to try making almond butter. Using a combination of soaked almonds and a small amount of vanilla extract, you can make a creamy butter that's ideal for lots of uses. Almond butter is an excellent vegan alternative for baking. It also works well with toast and plain biscuits, allowing you to get a healthy dose of protein with each. You can experiment with your butter by trying different spices with it, such as cinnamon.

Use Crushed Almonds Everywhere

While almonds have a rich taste, they lend themselves well to a range of dishes. This is especially true when you crush them, as crushed almonds deliver a gentle hit rather than a powerful punch. Try crushing some almonds and sprinkling them over a salad or into a curry. They can also work well as a topper for plane yogurt or to garnish any other soft dessert. With a little experimentation, you'll find a way to make crushed almonds work for you.

Contact a supplier to learn more about Australian almonds.